Tips for Getting Your Kids to Sleep at Night

One of the many battles parents face with their children is how to get them to go to bed at night. From reading to warm milk, you’ve probably exhausted all the tricks, and yet some kids just won’t go to bed. With a custom made bunk bed by Dangerfield Woodcraft, it might be a little easier. Still, after the novelty of their new princess castle bed with slide or boys’ castle bed has worn off, the fight might still continue. In this blog post, Dangerfield Woodcraft will offer up tips and tricks that we’ve tried that have worked. Order your custom bunk bed today!


  • Wear them out during the day. As most parents will tell you, this is a tried and true way to get your children to bed at night. When they are tired, they are usually ready (not necessarily eager) for bed.
  • Establish a routine. Our bodies are designed to go to sleep at the same time every night. Known as the circadian rhythm, strive to put your kids to bed on time. Make the routine fun. Dangerfield Woodcraft recommends that you begin the routine about 30 minutes before bedtime. This can include a bath, reading a book together, brushing teeth, putting on pajamas, and kissing your kids goodnight. Once your child comes to expect this, he or she may actually start looking forward to it. Once you have a routine down, keep it consistent as much as possible.
  • Make your child’s room and environment comfortable. At bedtime, you want your child’s room conducive to sleep. Dark, quiet, and cool is ideal, although most kids like a nightlight in their room for comfort and for when they wake up in the middle of the night. Sometimes white noise helps, such as a fan or a noise machine. Another way to make your child’s room conducive to sleep is by ordering a custom bunk bed from Dangerfield Woodcraft. Our unique bunk beds make your child’s room and bed special, and he or she will probably want to go to bed to sleep in a kids’ playhouse bed, a castle, or a miniature house. Fill the bed with your child’s favorite stuffed animals (and perhaps a real animal like a cat), and who wouldn’t be ready for bed?
  • Avoid stimulating activities at least an hour before bedtime. You’ll want to start the winding down process at least an hour before bedtime. Cut off all screen time, including video games and TV. Ideally, there are no electronics in your children’s rooms, which just distracts them before bed.

Dangerfield Woodcraft is a family owned woodcraft business that makes custom bunk beds and unique loft beds for children. Each of our creations is custom-designed to your specifications, from princess castle beds with slides to childrens’ bunk beds with stairs. Our mission is to create a unique bunk bed that your children will feel comfortable and safe in as they grow. Visit our website to get started today!